After attentive inquiry and listening to the members and leaders of our congregation, people in our community and spending time in prayer, St. James adopted the following community outreach missions.

LBGTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual) – St. James is a LBGTQIA+ welcoming church for this community. Many of the pastors who have served have identified as part of the LBGTQIA+ community.

Families With Addiction – The church sponsors several AA, GA, Al-Anon and NA groups. St. James Church leadership is very informed and supportive of the issues facing people who are addicted and the loved ones of those who are addicted. (See Activities Calendar for days and times of these meetings)

​​​Dorcas “Yarn” Ministry   
For the present time our Yarn Ministry is on hiatus.

Food Pantry
St. James provides opportunities: for individuals, groups, organizations and companies to contribute to our food pantry, and a chance for those who need food to get groceries once a month. Click here to learn more about helping or using the Food Pantry. (See Activities Calendar for day and time)

Mission Trip   
Every 1-2 years we go on a mission trip. These trips focus on: 
home repair, disaster relief, or experiences that help us further understand the why of poverty and how we can respond. Some trips are just for teen or adults, and some trip are intergenerational.  Scholarships are available upon request. In June 2023 we are planning a trip to Florida to rebuild homes, etc. damaged by Hurricane Ian in 2022.

Sam's Kitchen / Life Center
Six times a year, every other month, we prepare dinner and a snack bag for 90 homeless and low- income people living either at the Life Center of Delaware County (63rd and Market Streets) or in the surrounding neighborhood. There are both daytime, as well as evening cooking crews, and there is an opportunity to also go down and serve the meal and distribute the snack bags, as well as do shopping for items needed for cooking. 

Community Outreach

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