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​​​Open & Affirming (ONA)

St. James UCC's ONA Statement

The people of St. James United Church of Christ in Havertown, Pennsylvania, affirm our belief that every person has dignity and worth and is a beloved child of God. 

Because we recognize, celebrate and give thanks for the many diverse gifts from God among us, we declare that we are an Open and Affirming congregation, a safe place for all of God’s children. 

We invite all people to participate in the full life of this church including
worship, activities, service, membership, leadership, the sacraments of
baptism and communion, rites of confirmation, and ceremonies of marriage
or covenant. 

We acknowledge the injustice and prejudice that many individuals in
our society have faced throughout history and still to this day. We believe
this is inconsistent with Christ’s teachings. 

We welcome all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and
​condemn all acts of violence and discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identification. 

We pledge to work to end oppression against God’s children, relying upon the unconditional nature of God’s Love to guide us. 
Approved by Consistory: Feb. 16, 2014 

The people of St. James United Church of Christ in Havertown, Pennsylvania, affirm our belief that every person has dignity and worth and is a beloved child of God.